About Me

Hello there! Thanks for visiting!  

Are you here to learn a little more about me?

Well you came to the right place!

I'm Colleen - lover of crafting and creating!  

I am a recent graduate of Endicott College where I earned a Bachelor of Science in hospitality management.

In the fall of 2019 I will be participating in the Disney College Program as a convention guide. I hope to share my many adventures in Disney World here on my blog.

But until then, I have a summer bucket list that I am aiming to complete before moving to Orlando. You can follow along with me as I try a whole bunch of new experiences.

In addition to that, I am a crafter at heart. Crafting has always been a hobby of mine and that love for creating and sharing my creations has led to my own small business. In December of 2018 I started a handcrafted card business called HumorBean Cards. I'll be sharing more about my crafting process through my posts and if you're interested in purchasing any of my cards you can head over to my Etsy page!

Ultimately, I'm here to share my experiences and to connect with others that have a passion for trying new things, creating art, and spreading kindness!
